these are the fast times
we are the natives of the grassy hills
the princesses of daisy chains and cartwheels
the princes of the tallest trees and the underground tunnels
we live in a fort made of sheets
covering our eyes behind warm hands
we blindly run as fast as we can
confused, why do we keep falling?
tripping and scraping our elbows
we hit the dirt, eyes still closed and covered
the cut stings, and the nauseous feeling rises
we cautiously peek out to see a face
framed by a hue of comfortable blue
for a moment we panic
we don't want to get up just yet
we don't want to take our hands from our face
it's nice down here
but our new white shirt is now tie dyed red
and we remember those fast times,
just smoke and sun
so we take the native's hand
back to the grassy land, just wanting to run
martha's vineyard
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